Monday, April 6, 2009

Grand Slam in 7th drops for loss

Boise, Idaho Open Tournament update (April 3-5, 2009)

The softball team ran out of steam in the bottom of the 7th in a crushing loss to, losing 31-29 on a Grand Slam by James Marcotte. The two teams will meet again in Payson, Utah April 24-25. It should make for a great redemption game.

After another loss later in the tournament to Sonny's Softball (Wyoming), was knocked out taking home a 5th place tie for their efforts this weekend.

Next up, the Icebreaker Tournament in Delta, Utah. This tournament is a Men's Class 'D' USSSA sanctioned tournament.


hollywood said...

Hey GTG that was a great game. It was a lot of fun. I think it was the best game of weekend. I mean anyone can score 50 a game why not have some fun and play some friends. Sorry I had to hit that bomb against you guys. But I was told no friends while playing softball. LOL that is what I was really told. Good Luck in your next tourney.

Unknown said...

No mention of me breaking the Homerun curse in Boise? It was probably the best mid-game celebration in softball.